Category Archives: Advanced Golf

Taylor Made Golf Club: The Metalwoods Phenomenon

Taylor Made golf clubs are into leading the combined driver, iron counts and fairway wood at PGA tournaments. The advancement of the metal wood technology employed by Taylor Made golf clubs make it possible to each player to have a his own club. This metalwood technology created famous clubs in the form of Pittsburgh Persimmon, Tour Preferred, Burner, and Burner Bubble, each is considered a high performance piece of device. With titanium clubheads, Taylor Made clubs are very strong but extremely light to use. Taylor Made’s metalwood […]

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Learning And Perfecting The Basics or Golf

Golf is the one game that bridges perfectly the gap between the corporate world and the sports world. Loved by both the business and sports community alike, this great game has really become quite popular. If you desire for whatever reason , business or sports, to learn how to play golf , you must first learn the basics and perfect them. Learning the basics is very important in golf. It’s like building, if you don’t get the foundation right, it doesn’t matter how beautiful or high the […]

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How To Be A Master Golfer

Golf is beautiful game with a simple objective, drive the ball into the hole. But as simple as this objective is, carrying it out well enough to be a champion is not that easy or simple. Except you know what it takes to be a master golfer. It All Starts In The Mind Being a master golfer begins in the mind. You have to believe in yourself and believe you are capable of being a master of the game. This may look insignificant but it’s very true. […]

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Golf Occupations

Professional golfer is not the only occupation to be held within in the golf industry. There are a variety of other occupations available. Here is a list of them: Club Caddie You must know the game of golf to hold this position, as well as the etiquette. Often times, golfers refer to their caddie to discuss next steps and moves. To start in this position will cost you $25 to $100 to purchase appropriate shoes for the position. PERKS: Caddying at those fancy golf clubs usually means […]

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The Olympian Spirit

In 2016 when the Olympics arrive in Rio de Janeiro, the event will be historic in the minds of sports buffs for two reasons. Firstly, it will be the first time that the games have ever been held in Brazil, and secondly it will be the first time for over a century that the games have featured golf as a medal sport. This was decided in 2009, and has naturally made a lot of people in the world of golf very excited. Although undoubtedly there will be […]

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The 19th Hole

Part of the attraction for many golfers lies in the fact that there is such a strong social factor attached to the game. It is common for golfers to play 18 holes and then wind down in what is known to many golfers as the 19th hole – the clubhouse. Golf has long been considered as one of the sports where you can afford to go for a relaxing drink after the game – unlike with football or tennis, you haven’t done much running and muscle recovery […]

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A Little Light Reading?

For anyone who likes watching golf or playing it, it can be instructive to read up about the sport as well. There are few better ways to learn about something, or to brush up on your knowledge, than by reading interviews with the stars, coaching clinics from professionals past and present, and articles on everything from golf clubs (the equipment) to golf clubs (the places where you go to play). And there is a healthy market in golf magazines which feeds that need for the keen golfer. […]

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Guide To Pro Golf

Do you play golf for money? Teach golf or run golf clubs? If so, you are then golf professional or colloquially called pro golfer. If you want to play in an amateur tournament, you cannot. Even if you have received money for playing golf even just once, you will be able to go back to your amateur status. Therefore, if you are already a professional golfer, you can only join professional golfers’ tournament. There are many golf tournaments for professional golfers and you surely will enjoy your […]

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