Category Archives: Golf for Beginners

Tips On How To Play Better Golf

Whether you play golf for business, recreational or professional reasons it is best that you know the essential things that can help you to play better golf. After all no matter what your golf playing reasons are, you still want to win. So here are some tips to help you lay better golf: Prepare Yourself If you are not prepared to play mentally and physically, you won’t be at your best. So anytime you have any golf game at hand do whatever it takes to get you […]

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Playing Golf With The Right Mentality

In most endeavors in life, success or failure starts in the mind. If you believe you can’t do something, it will be difficult for you to be to do it at all or do it well. The same applies to golf. The masters at golf are those who play with right mentality, those who refuse to be intimidated, who believe they can win and go ahead do all they can to win. The right mentality can be cultivated, and here are some tips on how to go […]

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Kids Guide To Golf

Golf is a wonderful game playable by any person, of any age, weights and sizes. Golf is not physically draining like other sports, thus, even kids and seniors may enjoy hitting the ball on the green. This game that started in 1297 has the reputation of being a game for the scholarly and wealthy individuals. However, because of the variations in golf tournaments, even kids have their way of getting into this strategic game. Now, how do you know your child has an inclination towards golf? Moreover, […]

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Guide to Golf Rules

Golf is an old game; records show that it originated in Netherlands in the year 1297. The initial equipment was a stick and a leather ball, which scholarly individuals play. Today, varieties to golf clubs are being used to play this game. Players are commonly the upper class individuals, however, developments introduced golfing to the middle class individuals as well. It is therefore useful for golf players to know the rules before embarking on laying their foot on the tee. This article will guide you to some […]

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Guide To Golf For Beginners

Golf is a strategic game where you do not need power alone. You will need strategy and lots of practice to execute a golf swing. This is because a golf swing takes time to master. For beginners, you will need to understand the concept of the game and practice until you improve your handicap, lower your score and execute a good swing. Golf is both technical, strategically and a different kind of game where it is possible for you to play it while doing business at the […]

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Shopping For Golf Nuts

Anyone who enjoys golf is a fantastic person for whom to buy gifts. The huge range of golf merchandise out there on the market compares very favorably with just about every other sport. There are clubs, bags, balls and tees for a start, but these really do scratch the surface of what you can give a keen golfer for a birthday, Christmas or anniversary present. The only limit seems to be your imagination. The best presents are often the most personal ones – so give a little […]

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A Last Resort?

One thing that can be said for golf is that it has a ready-attached leisure sector to make sure that once you’re off the course, the fun doesn’t need to stop. The clubhouse – often referred to as ‘the 19th hole’ by golfers keen to distract attention from the fact that they are planning to drink hard liquor – is part of golfing tradition. The most popular sporting breaks – at least for participants – are either skiing holidays or golf breaks, but golf surely has the […]

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The Right Shoes With The Right Outfit?

There is probably a very long and very pointless conversation to be had about the footwear that differentiates the most popular sports. You could not take to the basketball court in football cleats, and if you tried playing baseball in tennis shoes you would find it pretty agitating. So what about golf shoes? Are they in a league of their own? Some people would say that looking at a golf professional’s outfit makes it hard to really care about the shoes, when the trousers are so awful […]

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