Category Archives: Learn to Play Golf

Succeeding At Golf

The game of golf is a beautiful game and like in any other game succeeding at golf demands certain things of the golfer. Determination Any successful golfer will tell you that one of the secrets of success is to be fiercely determined. Determination is crucial to success in any endeavor in life and golf is no exception. For the first time golfer or the beginner who has a dream of being of the best in the game, there are so many obstacles to over come. The obstacles […]

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The Ping Golf Club: An Overview

For a golfer, one of the most important things that he should examine is his golf club because according to experts, it is one of the main reasons why they do not hit the ball. This is the exact reason why the Ping golf club was born. Karsten Solheim was the one who invented the ping golf club with different intentions. The story has it that Karsten was practicing golf but he could not hit the ball so he started to practice up to the time that […]

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Important Things You Need To Know In Golf

Every sport has its important stuff that must be understood to be able to perform well in it. Golf is no exception. There are certain important things in golf that you need to familiarize yourself well with and understand to be able to understand the game and be a great player. Fitness It is wrongly perceived that because golf is not really a very physical sport or a contact sport like basketball, football etc that good fitness is not required. Nothing can be farther from the truth. […]

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How To Play Golf

If you know people, who conduct business in the golf course, then may be you want the experience as well. This guide on how to play golf will help you in understanding the intricacies of this game. I may need to mention that this game is unlike any other game; in here, what you need is strategy rather than power. Why do I say this? This is because the common mistake of golf beginners is by giving all their might in trying to hit the ball. This […]

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Guide To Golf Green

Do you want to play golf? Do you wonder how it feels to walk on the beautifully green golf course while playing? If so, then you surely will enjoy the experience. You however, need to understand the golf courses and their individual characteristics to give you an understanding of the game and how you will help take care of the green. Understanding the golf green will help you navigate your golf ball around the green correctly and learn the famous golf swing along the way. What the […]

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Guide To Golf Etiquette

Golf is a relaxing game, no hard power necessary but employing your muscle is a necessity. Stretching exercises will help you prepare for golf games as well. Like any game, knowing the rules and having the right equipment will not ensure your success in the game. It is also important that golf etiquette will not be far away in your mind. Golf is an old game, it however, will not last that long if players will not follow the rules, employ fairness and play with ethics. Now, […]

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Guide To golf clubs

Golf started as early as 1297 in Netherlands. The players use a stick and a leather ball to play during that time. As time goes by different golf clubs emerged. Different sizes and different shapes of club head. If you are serious, you want to improve your golf game, knowing the right golf club is the best way to start. Let me help you understand golf by understanding what golf club you need and how you can develop your swing with the use of your golf club. […]

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Guide To Golf Swing

Many golf beginners drop their hut and surrender because they experience frustrations in the execution of their swing. This should not happen because swing is doable for every one even for kids and seniors. The most common mistake of beginning golfers is that they try to give as much strength they can muster in the execution of their swing. This is not necessary because fluidity in motion and direction driven swing is what is necessary. Of course, as anything physics, understanding the concept is easy but execution […]

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Golf Lessons: A Necessity Or Not?

If you are interested in improving your game or you are just contemplating starting to play the game of golf, you must have heard about golf lessons. So the question at the back of your mind is, are golf lessons really necessary? Taking golf lessons is a good opportunity for people to learn not just how to play the game but how to be very good at it. They provide you with opportunity to learn without the frustration of stumbling through the necessary skills you need to […]

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Guide To Golfing For Seniors

Are you above 50 years old? Do you stop playing golf because you fear injury? If you still want to play, you may need to make some adjustments on how you grip your golf club. This is to ensure that you will not develop golfer’s wrist or hamate bone. What is golfer’s wrist? Golfer’s wrist is an injury in the wrist where you feel tenderness and pain. This injury may need surgery and takes time to heal. To help senior golfers, Johnny Miller has a revised his […]

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