Tag Archives: ping bags

Guide To golf clubs

Golf started as early as 1297 in Netherlands. The players use a stick and a leather ball to play during that time. As time goes by different golf clubs emerged. Different sizes and different shapes of club head. If you are serious, you want to improve your golf game, knowing the right golf club is the best way to start. Let me help you understand golf by understanding what golf club you need and how you can develop your swing with the use of your golf club. […]

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Guide To Golf Swing

Many golf beginners drop their hut and surrender because they experience frustrations in the execution of their swing. This should not happen because swing is doable for every one even for kids and seniors. The most common mistake of beginning golfers is that they try to give as much strength they can muster in the execution of their swing. This is not necessary because fluidity in motion and direction driven swing is what is necessary. Of course, as anything physics, understanding the concept is easy but execution […]

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Golf Lessons: A Necessity Or Not?

If you are interested in improving your game or you are just contemplating starting to play the game of golf, you must have heard about golf lessons. So the question at the back of your mind is, are golf lessons really necessary? Taking golf lessons is a good opportunity for people to learn not just how to play the game but how to be very good at it. They provide you with opportunity to learn without the frustration of stumbling through the necessary skills you need to […]

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Golf Occupations

Professional golfer is not the only occupation to be held within in the golf industry. There are a variety of other occupations available. Here is a list of them: Club Caddie You must know the game of golf to hold this position, as well as the etiquette. Often times, golfers refer to their caddie to discuss next steps and moves. To start in this position will cost you $25 to $100 to purchase appropriate shoes for the position. PERKS: Caddying at those fancy golf clubs usually means […]

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Breaking Down Barriers

Whatever else can be said about golf, there is no doubt that over the years it has come to be seen as something of a rich man’s sport. While the same accusation is leveled at tennis periodically, the fact of the matter is that any two children with a few dollars in their pocket can buy a racket each and a few tennis balls, draw a line across some sidewalk and play a game. Golf equipment has traditionally been more expensive to buy, and it is hard […]

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It’s Not Just For Guys

It may not be strictly accurate to refer to golf as a ‘macho’ sport – because it is not – but there is no doubt that up until very recently it was seen as largely an exclusively male one. It was not that long ago that the Augusta National Golf Club refused admission to women – although it no longer has a gender bar on joining it does have women on the waiting list to join, and when spaces become available it is expected that they will […]

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It’s A Golf Course, Not A Catwalk

There is a certain standard which is expected from a golfer and their clothing on course. It is defined by most people as ‘appalling’, and often takes the form of the most disgusting pastel-shade t-shirts along with unacceptable stay-pressed slacks and a sun visor to complete the set. Indeed the professional golfer Ian Poulter has gained a reputation for out-doing himself every time he takes to the course in a marginally more hideous get-up than the last time. The question has to be asked. Must golf clothing […]

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Show Them You Have Balls

Golf is a sport which looks a lot easier than it is. There is plenty of skepticism about the athletic abilities of professional golfers – and that has not been without reason in some cases – but the truth is that if you are going to spend four days of 50 weeks every year walking several miles and contorting your body into an unnatural position over a hundred times each day (when practise is taken into account) then you’d better be pretty limber. You can make the […]

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